
Detail informatie evenement

Evenement naam2020 Prince of Speed GPS Trial World Speed Tour - Kite
Start Datumwoensdag 1 januari 2020
Eind Datumvrijdag 1 januari 2021
Evenement sponsorGrand Narbonne , Region Occitanie , Department de l'Aude, R-Tech Solution AB, Challengersails, Banque Populaire, AVboards, Al360, Chris Benz Watches

Event beschrijving en NOR

Prince of Speed all the year.... yes you can... with GPS. At the Spot where we broke 35 WSSRC records in the last 2 years and it's on the Guinness Records Book:

Spot Name: La Palme - Plage du Rouet

After working hard together with the Local Administration and FFvoile, last year we decided to build this event to give the possibility to Kiters and  Windsurfers that come in different period of the year, to race on the Fastest and Consistent Open Ocean Spot for Windsurf and Kite (and we hope soon boats) of the Planet: La Palme - Plage du Rouet. We did it also to get a Ranking to help to give the qualification for the POS Coupe de France de Vitesse on the waiting period 25 May-25 June 2020 at Rouet.

Once you post your speed on the website we will consider the best 500m to do the Ranking.

Try to sail the 500m more straight is possible because we will invalidate the 500m run with big slingshot (The Slingshot will count for the price for the top speed).

At the end of the Year there will be some price for the 500m race and also for the fastest 2 second Slingshot or not.

To arrive to Plage du Rouet coming from the freeway: exit Leucate, then take the National Road 6009 for Narbonne, after 2 km, at the roundabout, take for Port a Nouvelle: D709, drive around 4km... just after the Salin de La Palme you can read on your right in a little road: Plage du Rouet. You take this road, cross the railway, go down few meters and turn right, passing through 3 big Stones. Then you drive parallel to the railway and to the sea, direction South and in few hundreds meters you will arrive to the channel of the Water Pump (le Rouet), you turn left and you follow this concrete channel ... you will see the wooden construction on the sea: Le Rouet....

Speed Sailing is an Extreme Sport. So it's good to respect some rules of navigation in order to have fun and to let have fun also to the others without too many risk.

We wrote this Rules after many many years of experience on this Spot.

You can read the Speed Sailing Rules for Rouet clicking on this link: 

During the Spring there will be a couple of week end with FFvoile Security ... those days are the occasion for the young French riders to be qualified for the POS Coupe de France de Vitesse 2020. The riders who will not follow the Sailing Rules for Plage du Rouet will be disqualified for the day Ranking..... 

Any modification will be posted here and on the website WST.

Everybody sail under his own responsibility.

The riders want to enjoy WST and take the FFVoile card will contact us to to understand cost and benefit .

Have fun,

Forever Speed!


Event update meldingen

Deelnemers event
1Jason Cane80,89
2Roger Örnvang23,34